New - Product Desk Attribute Groups
September 6, 2023
By: Michael Mesdag
New in Product Desk this month, attribute groups! Attribute groups allow users to define collection of attributes that are logically grouped together, and this visualize attributes on products in these groups.
Group Setup
Attribute groups can link many types of attributes together, such as attributes defining physical qualities of products, such as Viscosity and Specific gravity for Oil products.

They could also be used to control what products sync to various external systems Product Desk is connected to.

Users can fully control what groups exist, easily creating new groups for the list page, modifying existing groups (including managing what Attributes are included), or deleting groups.

Attribute groups can be assigned to Products, Brands, or Product groups. Groups will inherit down from brands and product groups to products, as well as from parent product groups to children.
For example, the Oil group can be assigned to the Strabo Oil CO brand, and then all products belonging to that brand will inherit the Oil attribute group.

On a product details page, the applicable attribute groups can be viewed and managed. This will include any groups inherited from brands or product groups, as well as groups assigned directly to the product.

When a product has associated attribute groups, viewing the attributes will show all attributes broken down by group.

Each group can be expanded or collapsed, and this panel can be expanded to full screen for easier view when a product has a large number of attributes.
Attributes groups add to the flexibility and power Product Desk provides when maintain complicated products with many discrete data points that need to be managed, organized, and kept in sync with all the platforms required by the modern ecommerce landscape.
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